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An open kitchen is a hot 首页 feature right now, and homeowners all across the country are extending their kitchens to include a living space. Unfortunately, many are seeing disastrous results due to poor planning and other complications.

Kutchen Haus offers the following tips to help you avoid a kitchen extension disaster:

1. Look for inspiration
This may sound simple, but look in magazines, on the TV and in kitchen showrooms, ideally with lifestyle room-sets for different kitchens that you like. You may see something you like, that you haven’t seen before which is just perfect for you.

2. Meet your kitchen designer before you start
All too often we meet customers who have decided to extend their property and want a new kitchen. Great! However, rather than speaking with a skilled kitchen designer prior to starting the building work, they plough ahead and in some cases, actually finish the build. This is not the best way to undertake a kitchen extension as the kitchen plays such a pivotal role in the whole scheme, so you must talk to a designer first. They will see things the builder won’t, plus

they will also be able to tell you what is possible with your room dimensions.

3. Make a kitchen wish list
It may sound simple enough, however customers struggle time and again, to understand that they can no longer have an island in their kitchen, as their dimensions or budget will not allow it. By making a list of your ‘must haves’ and ‘would like to haves’ you can avoid making compromises on key areas. Also think 关于 worktops, appliances, flooring and lighting here. If you need to cut costs down later on, this list will help so much though a process of elimination. You may want the granite worktops for example, but the wine fridge can go.

4. Agree your kitchen design before the building plans
As previously mentioned, your kitchen should be as important as the building work so ensure you have everything thought through. It is so much easier to move windows and doors on a design that it is during the build itself.

5. Avoid building work changes
Changes made during the building work also eat into your kitchen budget. Try and avoid this happening so that you don’t have to cut costs down on the kitchen later on. After all, your dream kitchen is the main reason for the extension.

Above all, take the time to think, research and speak to professionals.

Source: http://www.kutchenhaus.co.uk


Property Search PrivacyEver visit a website looking for something, for example houses? Then every other time you searched for something else, Zillow, REALTOR.com, Trulia or some other real estate brokerage website shows up first in your search rankings! Some say “pretty cool… how’d they do that”. More and more are saying “OK, that’s enough”. Enter the growing area called Online Behavioral Advertising.

Many of the ads you receive on Web pages and on web searches are, believe it or not, customized just for your eyes only. Ads you see will be based on predictions 关于 your interests generated from your visits over time and across different Web sites.

This type of ad customization – sometimes called online behavioral or interest based advertising. It works through a system of files on your computer called “cookies”. Like crumbs used to document “where you have been” these cookies tell websites a lot 关于 where you have visited, what you have searched on and what you are clicking on. Then, this pattern of interest gets documented and entered into a profile created just on your viewing habits. They may not know your name (at this point) or street address but they know your city and what interests you. This data is them merged into other data collected such as DMV auto registrations and other data. Then when they can collect an actual name, the systems can then add street addresses and other personal data.

This website uses session based tracking cookies that enhance your property search experience, but we do not harvest behavioral or tracking information from your computer like many other property search websites. The only way we retain any information 关于 you is if you create an account. If you look at our privacy policy, you will see that we retain the information but keep it safe and confidential.

On many other real estate websites, Big Brother Is Watching! Recently the Federal Trade Commission dug deep into these data warehouses to make sure no privacy issues are being raised. Well they found a lot. There is an entire internet industry based on profiling and segmentation.

Giving consumers an option of “do not track me” has been a hot topic of discussion in Washington. The White House and the Federal Trade Commission claim they want to work with the advertising industry on a voluntary basis to make it easier for consumers to opt-in or out data collection for advertising purposes. Just the fear of regulation prompted some of the internet’s biggest players to agree to “talk” 关于 their policies.

Yahoo, just this past week, said they would have a simple button consumers can click if they want a Tracking-Free experience.

With the White House’s involvement ratcheting up the issues, it has theoretically forced Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL to stop monitoring the Web-surfing habits of users who click a “Do Not Track” button on their browsers.

So if you care to, go to http://www.aboutads.info/choices and let the system do its magic then you can OPT OUT of tracking from the data collectors, make a complaint or learn more 关于 the policies.




What to know about purchasing a condo

Looking to buy a condominium? Here are some tips to keep in mind before you sign on the dotted line. You are 关于 to buy into a group, and the rules of the group rule the way you can live. You can always ask one of our Bakersfield Real Estate agents or Central Coast Real Estate agents. Here are the 10 questions 买家 should ask when deciding whether to purchase a condominium unit:
1.What is the monthly condominium fee and what does it pay for? The monthly condominium fees vary dramatically from condominium to condominium. The fee is a by-product of the number of units, the annual expenses to maintain the common area, whether the condo is professionally managed or self-managed, the age and condition of the project, and other variables such as litigation. For budgeting and financing you need to know the monthly fee and exactly what you are getting for it.
2. What are the condominium rules & regulations? Condominium rules can prohibit pets, your ability to rent out the unit and to perform renovations. Make sure you carefully review ALL the rules and regulations before buying. Needless to say, your real estate agent should provide you with a review of all condominium documents, including the master deed, declaration of trust/by-laws, covenants, unit deed and floor plans to ensure compliance with state condominium laws as well as Fannie Mae and FHA guidelines, as necessary.

3. How much money is in the capital reserve account and how much is funded annually? The capital reserve fund is like an insurance policy for the inevitable capital repairs every building requires (like a new roof on the building). As a general rule, the fund should contain at least 10% of the annual revenue budget, and in the case of older projects, even more. If the capital reserve account is poorly funded, there is a higher risk of a special assessment. Get a copy of the last 2 years budget, the current reserve account funding level and any capital reserve study.

4. Are there any contemplated or pending special assessments? Special assessments are one-time fees for capital improvements payable by every unit owner.  Some special assessments can run in the thousands. You need to be aware if you are buying a special assessment along with your unit. It’s a good idea to ask for the last 2 years of condominium meeting minutes to check what’s been going on with the condominium.

5. Is there a professional management company or is the association self-managed? A professional management company, while an added cost, can add great value to a condominium with well run governance and management of common areas.

6. Is the condominium involved in any pending legal actions? Legal disputes between owners, with developers, or with the association can signal trouble and/or a poorly run organization. Legal action equals attorneys’ fees which are payable out of the condominium budget and could result in a special assessment.

7. How many units are owner occupied? A large percentage of renters can create unwanted noise and neighbor issues. It can also raise re-sale and financing issues with the new Fannie Mae and FHA condominium regulations which limit owner-occupancy rates. If your buyer is using conventional financing, check if it is a Fannie Mae-approved condo. If FHA financing, check if it’s an FHA approved condo.
8. What is the condominium fee delinquency rate? Again, a signal of financial trouble, and Fannie Mae and FHA want to see the rate at 15% or less.
9. Do unit owners have exclusive easements or the right to use certain common areas such as porches, decks, storage spaces and parking spaces? Condominiums differ as to how they structure the “ownership” of certain amenities such as roof decks, porches, storage spaces and parking spaces. Sometimes, they are truly “deeded” with the unit, so the unit owner has sole responsibility for maintenance and repairs. Sometimes, they are common areas in which the unit owner has the exclusive right to use, but the maintenance and repair is left with the association. Review the Master Deed and Unit Deed on this one.
10. What Does The Master 保险 Policy Cover? The condominium should have up to $1M or more in coverage under their master condominium policy. For a buyer’s own protection, they should always buy an individual HO-6 policy covering the interior and contents of the unit, because the master policy and condo by-laws may not cover all damage to their personal possessions and interior damage in case of a roof leak, water pipe burst or other problem arising from a common area element. Ask for a copy of the master insurance policy and don’t forget to check the fine print of the by-laws. Sometimes, there’s language that would hurt a unit owner in case of a common area casualty. Condominiums over 20 units should also have fidelity insurance to protect against embezzlement.

Paso Robles Home Showing Report

Foot traffic to properties for sale can provide great insight into the direction of future 首页 sales. SentriLock is the lock box provider to the 各地区 real estate professionals. Today’s lock boxes are smart. They record information each time the lockbox is accessed, and record who access the box. Aside from the enhaned security features, knowing the number of showings is indicative of real estate buyer activity.  SentriLock, LLC. provides showing data to the National Association of REALTTORS Research with monthly data on the number of showings.

Foot traffic in the area covered by the Paso Robles Board of REALTORS® (CA) declined by 13% in February of this year relative to the same month last year. This was the 4th consecutive year-over-year decline.

However, foot traffic from a year earlier was atypically strong, while current levels remain robust relative to the strong, tax-induced levels from the spring of 2010.

paso robles real estate showings report
Click Image to enlarge


对于 买家卖家 同类、 首页 检查是 首页-购买和销售过程。在建立 首页 一旦您的 首页 检查是难题中的重要一环,花时间准备检查也同样重要。 首页 卖家 花时间做好检查准备的人,将为检查工作的顺利进行铺平道路,从而使交易更加顺利。好消息是 首页 检查不一定要花很多钱,因为需要解决的问题一般都是房主经常处理的。

准备 首页 检查并不一定是一笔巨大的开支。 最重要的是要注意时间安排。 花时间准备您的 首页 检查的关键是 卖家 他们的 首页因为这预示着 首页 检查,这样他们就知道买方和检查员会来 首页. 一旦安排了检查、 卖家 应计划在预约前一周了解 首页 准备好了

"(《世界人权宣言》) 首页 从上到下,从里到外都要检查。检查员将检查和评估房屋内外的 1 600 多个项目。 首页卖方可以事先做很多小事情来简化验房工作,包括系统和结构部件。验房前应处理的最重要事项包括:

- 清除所有人行道上的杂物和障碍物,以便检查员可以轻松走动。
- 提供通往阁楼舱口的畅通通道,阁楼舱口通常位于壁橱内,因此一定要清理好搁板等。
- 更换脏的炉子过滤器
- 确保所有灯具和插座都能正常使用。这包括更换任何烧坏的灯泡。
- 在地下室(无论是否已完工)清理出一条通道,以便检查员可以绕着墙壁四周行走。
- 确保可以进入任何机械设备,如火炉、空调和热水器。

处理一些小事,如更换烧坏的灯泡,是消除完全不必要的重大疑虑的简单而廉价的方法。此外,注意上述事项将使检查员能够接触到房屋的每个部分。 首页 为了彻底检查一个项目,需要解决哪些问题? 首页 看看是否有任何问题需要处理。

卖方 还应该考虑打印文件,记录最近的维修情况,以消除任何机械故障。

我们将继续适应 "新常态",并在当今充满挑战的市场中不断前进、 首页 检查越来越普遍,无论是在潜在买家就房产出价后进行的 首页 或为今后的谈判打下基础。 首页 甚至被列出来。

无论经济和房地产市场如何,潜在的投资者总是会有一种忧虑感。 买家 在检查过程中会发现什么。 然而,稍作准备就可以完全消除这种担忧。

花时间准备您的 首页 从长远来看,检查是值得的,它将给 买家 在消除疑虑和怀疑的同时,还能让人心安理得。 如果 首页 检查员无法访问特定区域的 首页他们不得不在检验报告上打上问号,这就会引起买方的怀疑;而十有八九是没有问题的。 

Is There Lasting Value in Remodeling Trends?

When you’re spending thousands to remodel a kitchen or bath, you want those updates to last a while.

To help you get ahead of and sort out the kitchen and bathroom trends — pity the last fool to install an avocado appliance in the 1970s. Enjoy your 首页; remodel so that you love where you live.

Still, with a couple of exceptions, these five kitchen and bath trends offer lasting value:

1. Kitchen cleanliness.

By clean, we’re talking design, not germs. Kitchens are going clean, contemporary, and horizontal (open shelves, long and horizontal pulls, thick countertops). Even in a classic kitchen, go with simple, flat cabinets rather than highly carved cabinet details.

Tip: This is a trend to get on board with. A simple, tidy, fresh appearance will have broad appeal if you decide to sell.

2. Color is out.

This year, colors are cycling out except for black and white used together.

Tip: Practically speaking, black and white are hard to keep looking good. Black kitchens show every scratch and white cabinets show every speck of dirt. Here on the Central Coast and in Bakersfield, natural colors found in the surrounding landscape are the norm – warm browns with a tinge of orange and red.

Regardless, color is fickle; choose what’s best for your space.

3. Dark wood is where it’s at.

If you’ve had white cabinets, you know they show every speck of dirt, which can drive you crazy unless you have a cleaning fetish. Combine those white cabinets with another up-and-coming trend: dark wood. Or if your budget can handle the hit, go with specialty woods like mahogany or zebra wood that can make an island look like a piece of furniture.

Tip: Alternatively, you could invest your money in more kitchen storage and functionality than trendy decorative elements that might not stand the test of time.

4. Appliances that blend in.

The more open our kitchens get, the more we want them to look like the rest of the house. That’s fueling a trend away from the big pro range and ginormous stainless-steel refrigerator and toward concealed, high-performance refrigerators and dishwashers. Induction cooktops, which use less electricity than electric cooktops, are growing in popularity.

Tip: When you buy appliances, look for the Energy Star label or go even deeper on energy performance ratings with Consortium of Energy Efficiency. California also has had a history of offering rebates. Check with the retailer for information.

5. Ageless design gets easy.

What the Baby Boom wants, the Baby Boom gets. And Baby Boomers want to live in their homes forever. That’s led manufacturers to create DIY remodeling products with built-in universal design features — like toilet paper roll holders strong enough to hold your weight as you arise from the throne.

If you wanted a no-threshold shower five years ago, you had to have it fabricated as a custom piece. Today, companies sell no-threshold shower kits with trench-style drains covered with grills so you can roll yourself right in. Visit 首页 Depot or other building supply store for examples.

Tip: We love the trend to universal design-ready remodeling products. To get started, check out anti-scald valves.

Hard Water is Harsh on Appliances

 Most Americans have hard water flowing through their plumbing, and it’s taking a silent, but pricey toll on their water-using appliances and pipes.

“If you think you’re not affected, think again: 85 percent of Americans have hard water,” says Angie Hicks, founder of the website dedicated to consumer reviews of contractors and service companies. “Water with a high mineral count is really hard on your appliances and can take years off their useful lives.”  Hicks advises that homeowners watch for the following red flags to see if their water is an issue:

  • Reduction in supply of hot water from a traditional tank water heater
  • Clothes are dingy or unclean after going through the washer
  • Calcium rings or deposits in tubs, sinks and dishwasher
  • Shower head and faucet clogs
  • Spotty or unclean dishes, glasses and flatware after the dishwasher has run
  • Water pipe leakage

Determining if you have hard water is simple and relatively inexpensive to address. Step one is to have your water analyzed, says Hicks. Some utilities and health departments offer this service, but companies that specialize in water conditioning also offer it, often free-of-charge. Because those companies have a vested interest in the outcome of such tests, consumers should consider getting at least one outside opinion.

Consumers have a few options when it comes to removing calcium and magnesium, the troublesome minerals that make water hard. Traditional water softeners use salt to remove those minerals. Devices that do not use salt to accomplish the same thing are often called “water conditioners” or “descalers.”
Here are Angie’s List tips for buying a water softener:

  • Water softeners can range from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000 depending on size and type. Some companies offer rental equipment for a nominal monthly charge. Installation typically runs $150 to $300.
  • Before you buy a water softener or conditioner, research available products and service companies. Insist on a money-back guarantee.
  • In most states, installation does not require a licensed plumber. At a minimum, use a company with technicians certified by the Water Quality Association.
  • Understand and follow the maintenance required to keep the unit operating properly.


您是否一直想改变房屋的外观,但又不确定如何才能增加房屋的吸引力?Handyman Connection 是全球最大的 首页 北美地区的维修和改造承包商发布了一些 首页 帮助您提升街道景观的改进意见 首页.
前门 是您 首页 这通常是一种简单而廉价的方法,可以为您的生活增添不同的维度 首页的吸引力。您可以将门刷成不同的颜色,与房屋的外墙涂料相呼应,也可以换一扇全新的门。选择一种既能与房屋其他部分区分开来,又能与房屋其他部分相协调的颜色。

粉刷或重新粉刷房屋 是大幅改变你的 首页如果您想让您的房子焕然一新,它可能是您的最佳选择。给外墙涂上与之前不同的颜色,给房子增添一些亮点,再给装饰物找一个漂亮的颜色,这样就更能突出重点了。不要等太久才给房子刷漆,因为这会增加工作难度;您应该在前一层涂料开始出现磨损迹象之前就刷漆。

庭院围栏 是提高您的 首页的吸引力。一个小巧的白色栅栏就能让您的房子看起来漂亮、舒适。在院子两侧设置栅栏是一种既能增加私密性,又能提高外观吸引力的实用方法。

加建露台 如果您喜欢在室外消磨时光,又想增加您的室外活动空间,那么在露台上建造一个翼楼或在露台上建造一个翼楼就再好不过了。 首页的吸引力。在露台上加装一个侧翼比扩大露台更容易,而且还能为您提供两个而不是一个聚会场所。粉刷或染色露台对于增加您所追求的路边吸引力至关重要,因此每隔一年,您或专业杂工都可以抽出一两个周末,让露台焕然一新。

Housing inventory in decline

Everyone knows the old supply and demand curve. As demand goes up and supply goes down and prices usually increase. Clearly there are numerous factors that have influence over this rather simple economic model. All things considered, when you have more 买家 than 卖家, prices rise.

If you look at supply curve of real estate inventory over the past decade, you quickly notice that the supply curve went way up for the past 6 years. The climb began in 2004 and peeked in the middle 2006. From there, the supply curve to real estate for sale has had an erratic, but slow downturn. This supply curve would indicate that inventory levels in real estate have returned to normal. This is a great indicator of health in the housing market.

There are reports that banks are holding a lot of foreclosure inventory off the market. By holding back inventory, they stabilize supply curve of the housing market and preserve 首页 values. This bank owned inventory is called Shadow inventory.

In any case, the good news for 首页 卖家 is that low inventory puts upward pressure on 首页 values. This is also a clear signal to potential 买家 – buy now or pay more later.
