• Opening hours 9AM - 5PM
  • Address: 1569 Sloat Boulevard, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94132

New York Times Video About Life in San Luis Obispo

Whenever we get out of town, we commonly are faced with a dilemma when people ask where we are from. Most people around America have never heard of San Luis Obispo County. We typically end up telling people that it is halfway between LA and San Francisco. For most, that is a good enough answer. Although SLO County residents know that this is one of the most prized places to live in the world, it is not a well known. Perhaps that is what makes makes it more special than famous counties like Napa County, Santa Barbara County, or San Diego County.  Tourism is one of our biggest industries along with government and agurculture, and that is likely to remain true for years to come. It does not hurt when the New York Times does a feature story on the area.

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